mardi 21 février 2012

Keniia aKoustiK Live

Of course I am first and foremost a singer/ songwriter! My favorite place to be on this earth is on stage! Here's a video of one of my concerts, with the small "aKoustiK" version of my band!

Bien sûr je suis tout d'abord musicienne, et mon endroit préféré sur terre reste la scène!
Voici une vidéo filmée lors d'un de mes concerts avec le groupe en version "aKoustiK"!

Twind Live

A video I made for a band with some of my friends in it, Twind.

Voici un montage promotionnel pour le groupe Twind, composé de potes à moi!

Bora Bora

Here is the second part of the 2003 tour...

Deuxième partie de la tournée de 2003...

Noumea/ Tahiti 2003

Here's another video, shot and edited in 2003 after we went on a Polynisian tour with Yannick Noah, who I was doing backup singing for at the time :-)

Un autre de mes montages, filmé en 2003 lors d'une des tournées Polynésiennes avec Yannick Noah :-)

Un jour dans la vie de... Yannick Noah!!

For those of you who don't know, I'll be shooting a lot of videos on my trip and sharing them with you.
I've gotten more and more into filming/ editing these past years. Here are some of my videos, enjoy!!

Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore, je compte filmer mes aventures aux US. Depuis quelques années je me mets de plus en plus à la vidéo et au montage.
Voici quelques exemples de ce que je fais!


La tension monte...
Mon sac de voyage est pris, et étant une vraie "fifille" je me demande comment je vais pouvoir le bourrer un max de toutes les fringues que j'ai envie d'emporter, des polaires aux robes longues, des baskets aux Louboutins!
Je me suis aussi pris un "vrai" sac pour emmener mon ordi et mes caméras...
Et enfin j'ai pris mon billet de train pour Paris. Départ de Biarritz le 1er mars, départ de Paris le 2 direction Albuquerque!
Je travaille ma patience...

Tension is rising...
I've finally bought my duffle bag, and like a real girly girl am wondering how the hell I'm gonna fit 3 months clothes in it! Plus shoes!!! And handbags!!
I've also gotten a nice new bag to carry my cameras and computer...
AND I've finally gotten my train ticket to get from Biarritz to Paris on march 1rst. I then leave on march 2nd for Albuquerque!
I think everything is about ready (people who know me might say I'm over-ready I usually decide things on impulse and at the last minute jump on a plane!).
I'm working on my patience, sleep is scarce!!

First, introductions. For those of you who don't know me I'm a singer/ songwriter, and I live in France. I was partly raised in Africa and the US, and for some reason I find it easier to write in english. I've been touring a lot these past few years as a backup singer, and sometimes with my own band. But this year, I have time for myself, and have made enough money that I decided out of the blue that I'm gonna go on a trip I've been dreaming about for years. "Back to my roots" kind of, back to the US. I havn't been to NY for a while, and I've never been to the west coast. But especially, there are so many places I want to visit, all the wide open space North America offers, so I decided (yeah I know it ain't that original!) to drive on mystical dreamy historic Route 66! I've been planning this for about 6 months now and it starts soon!

Ok I've got my plane ticket, rented my car (um yeah a CONVERTIBLE I mean what else???), got a new camera so I guess I'm ready!! This is my last step, creating my vlog. I hope you all enjoy my trip! I plan on driving from New Mexico to L.A., and it's starting March 2nd. Until then, I won't post much, I'm still working on all the preparations! The idea is for me to put up daily videos of my day, the things I see, and all the places I want to visit. And, once a week, I'll put up a more detailed video. I leave Paris on March 2nd, and am going to Albuquerque via Salt Lake City. It's kinda weird because my friends Tami, Guillaume and Xavier have been harrasing (yes I think that's the word!!) me to watch this show called Breaking Bad for the past months. I'm now totally hooked and of course it takes place in... Albuquerque! Great, now everytime I watch an episode I'm either super excited by all the scenery I'm ACTUALLY gonna be in, or terrified because of the violence (for those of you who don't know the show, it's a lot about meth dealers and cartels....hmmmm....)

Anyway this is my first post, patience y'all I'm in the learning curve of all this! For now I'm still in my tiny country town in the southwest of France!
So for now all I know is I've rented this car :

I pick it up when I get to Albuquerque and I'm going to drive directly to Santa Fe, my REAL starting point. The only hotel I'm booking is the one I'm going to stay at the first night, (after that I'm just going to play it by ear) and here it is :

So as you can see I'll be knee deep in it!

More coming soon...